ABC’s hit TV show Castle features a new fruitarian character this season. Brilliantly played by the actor Myko Olivier, he infuses his character Pi with charm, comedy, and compassion. Though Pi is a quirky humorous aquarian type, he’s fortunately not portrayed in a mocking way. His character appears to be well researched and is fairly presented.

Pi may be the first fruitarian character in a major network TV series. We think his weekly appearances in front of millions of viewers are a great way to make more people aware of a vegan lifestyle! His papaya steaks look delicious! We had never seen this show before but we find ourselves watching Castle every Monday now because of Pi.

Chris Kendall of TheRawAdvantage on YouTube first clued us in to Pi’s addition to Castle. Strangely, Chris and Pi share many things in common including that they both are raw food chefs, travel to Costa Rica, practice yoga, have a comedic sense of humor, and have medium length curly fros! It makes one wonder if Castle’s producers took some of their inspiration from watching Chris on YouTube.

See Myko Olivier’s audition for the role of Pi –

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Music: “Feel So Good (Yumenomado Remix)” by Lovespirals from the ‘Feel So Good EP’ available for just 99¢ at

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