The Happy Healthy Vegan YouTube channel just launched a brand new 24/7 livestream called California Vegan Adventures that features back to back travel vlogs. Thus far the stream has 50+ videos filmed between 2014 and 2022 filled with fun, natural beauty, chill music, and delicious vegan food. Ryan and Anji are hoping to attract new viewers to the channel with their lighthearted content, as well as to help the channel’s algorithm now that YouTube prefer promoting livestreams over videos. As many other vegan channels have noticed, it’s been growing increasingly difficult to make headway on YouTube with all the changes they’ve made to who and what they promote the past few years. If you’d like to chill out for a bit, tune into the stream and enjoy the ride! Think of it as HHV TV.
Happy Healthy Vegan Launch 24/7 Livestream