Review of Grain Damage by Dr. Doug Graham

In addition to the vast amounts of raw fruits and vegetables we eat, we don’t shy away from eating steamed and boiled high carb foods such as rice, quinoa, legumes, and potatoes. We frequently receive passionate comments from strict fruitarians regarding how our non-raw foods are not natural human foods and detrimental to our health. They urge us to read Grain Damage so that we can be convinced of these nasty truths about cooked starches.

So, that’s what we did: Ryan got a copy of Grain Damage and gives his rational assessment of the information and claims made by Dr. Graham. To check these claims, Ryan refers to the works of Dr. John Mc Dougall MD, an authority on high carb vegan starch based diets. Ryan discusses how natural of a food grains are, how nutritionally deficient they may be, how acidifying they may be, how their phytic acids affect us, and how addictive they may be.

So are we giving up cooked grains and starch foods now? Did Dr. Graham provide the burden of proof for us to give up grains and starches for good?

Delicious high carb recipes. Health gurus & myths exposed. Weight loss. Let us inspire your healthy lifestyle journey with food, fun, and fitness. Look forward to two to four new episodes a week from these fit 40 somethings!

CONNECT: (Ryan & Anji’s band)

Music: “Sleight of Hand” by Anji Bee from her debut solo album ‘Love Me Leave Me’. Listen and buy the digital download or CD at – Use Promo Code YOUTUBE to get a 10% discount!!!