It’s a new year and it seems almost everyone we see around town is doing a juice fast, master cleanse, or some other short term fad diet in the hopes of un-doing the bad they inflicted upon themselves over the holiday months. None of these methods work however because they all neglect the long term. How can a 7 day cleanse do you any good if you go right back to the bad diet that caused you to want a cleanse?

Instead, make a New Year’s resolution to begin each day with a big smoothie! Unlike juicing, smoothies make for a perfect meal that you can do in long term since they provide you with sufficient calories and nutrients. This is a real life change, rather than a 7 day band aid covering a deep dietary wound.

So do you want to pussy foot around with your health or do you want to make a real lasting change this new year?

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Anji Bee “Sleight of Hand” from ‘Love Me Leave Me’ available at

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