Video Articles

Chris Kendall: Does Going Vegan Improve Your Inner Game?

Ryan interviews Chris Kendall of The Raw Advantage about the relationship between a clean high carb vegan diet and one's emotional & spiritual well being. Does following an 80/10/10 style vegan diet help our inner game, or might it make things more difficult by...

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How to Prevent iPhone Theft: Anji’s Scary Robbery

Anji gets her iPhone 5 ripped out of her hand by a phone thief on a bike! iPhone theft has gotten so out of control that the term "apple picking" has been coined to refer to this widespread iPhone snatching. Most of us are probably unaware that cellphone theft is on...

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Why No Onions or Garlic?

Why No Onions or Garlic?

Tired of chronic bad breath, body odor, heartburn, acid reflux, and/or GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease)? Then eliminating onions and garlic from your diet may be your answer! As ubiquitous as onions and garlic may be in virtually all cooking traditions, few...

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Ugali Sakuma Wiki [Oil Free Vegan REcipe]

Ugali Sakuma Wiki [Oil Free Vegan REcipe] Anji's back in the HHV kitchen for another healthy recipe demo! This time she's making a traditional Kenyan dish, called Ugali Sakuma Wiki. Durianrider often speaks of how all the best Kenyan runners rely on Ugali for energy,...

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What’s Wrong With A Cooked Vegan Diet?

What’s Wrong With A Cooked Vegan Diet?

100% raw vegan Andrew Perlot recently released a video entitled "Why I Don't Suggest A Cooked Vegan Diet", claiming that a cooked vegan diet can't bring about the same large-scale improvements to one's health that a raw vegan diet can. He thus urges us drop cooked...

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Why Do You Gain Weight Every Winter?

After the New Year, do you start noticing that you may weigh a few more pounds than what you did in the summer? Wondering if that extra weight gain is due to over indulging in all the rich food and drink from the holidays? Or what if you don't partake in the high fat...

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Message To Our Viewers: Thank You!

Just having reached a huge milestone, getting our 5,000'th YouTube subscriber, Anji and Ryan give thanks to where it's due: to all of you who watch and appreciate what we're doing with Happy Healthy Vegan! You guys have also helped create a quite friendly and...

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