Video Articles

Raw Vegan Banana Blueberry Pancakes [Gluten Free]

Raw Vegan Banana Blueberry Pancakes [Gluten Free] Anji's back in the HHV kitchen for another recipe demo video! By your request, she's making the Banana Commander's recipe for raw vegan banana pancakes with fresh blueberries. You will need a food dehydrator and blender for this recipe....

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Why Did Anji & Ryan Go Vegan?

Today Happy Healthy Vegan returns to its roots, with Anji and Ryan sharing their stories about how and why they became vegan. The two show hosts were turned onto the vegetarian and vegan lifestyles through very different groups of people, as you'll soon see. The duo...

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Oil Free Potato Logs & Home Made Catsup

Oil Free Potato Logs & Home Made Catsup Oil Free Salt Free Potato Logs and Catsup Recipe Demo Anji's back in the HHV kitchen for another vegan Raw Till 4 recipe demo. By your request, she's making salt and oil free potato logs with home made ketchup. (You'll see why she calls it...

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Mac Danzig: Only Fully Raw Athletes Can Kick Butt?

Mac Danzig spoke at Texas VegFest about the success of his recent conversion to an 80/10/10 style vegan diet, rich in raw fruits and vegetables. However, fully raw evangelist Andrew Perlot thinks that Mac's speech somehow proclaims the high carb raw food diet as the...

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Ryan’s 3rd Annual 5K Race at Run Seal Beach

Anji was on hand to capture Ryan's 3rd Annual participation in the local Run Seal Beach 5K race. It was a beautiful sunny day in this pretty beach side community, and the ocean water was super glassy. Get a taste of this fun event, as well as a nice dose of Ryan's...

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Celebrating 1 Year of Happy Healthy Vegan!

Happy Healthy Vegan turns one year old on April 4 2014! Now with over 9,000 subscribers, Ryan and Anji share how their YouTube channel came to be one year ago. They also ask you, the viewers, to share what kind of episodes you would like to see from Happy Healthy...

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Is It Wrong To Question Our Raw & Vegan Leaders?

After our recent video in which Ryan gave his analysis of the arguments in Dr. Doug Graham's "Grain Damage", we received comments from some followers of Dr. Graham, telling us that we were wrong to not agree with all of the book's claims. Furthermore, they told us...

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Butter vs Sugar: Is Fat the Best Fuel For Our Body?

Low carb diets are the craze right now. Followers of Paleo, Atkins, and other low-carb ketogenic style diets restrict or even eliminate carbohydrate foods altogether from their diets, leaving them with a high fat diet. And now high fat diets are becoming popular among...

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