Video Articles

Canoe Trip @ Woodstock Fruit Fest 2013

Canoe Trip @ Woodstock Fruit Fest 2013

Come relax with Ryan & Anji on this scenic canoe excursion across Trout Lake for a fruit picnic by a little island with a single log cabin. Just one fun day at Woodstock Fruit Festival 2013 in Upstate New York! Anji narrates the trip, shows off their backpack...

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Raw Vegan Peach Ice Cream Recipe

Raw Vegan Peach Ice Cream Recipe Anji of Happy Healthy Vegan experiments with a new raw vegan ice cream flavor in today's recipe demo. Watch her make a simple but delicious 2 ingredient peach banana nice cream from fresh whole fruit. Super healthy, high carb, low fat, and...

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There’s No Such Thing As A Vegan Diet!

Not all vegan diets are the same! There's 80/10/10 ers, starch solution vegans, high fat gourmet raw vegans, soy based "meat" vegans, and junk food vegans just to name a few. And depending on which one you follow, your health will thrive or fail you.Just like there's...

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Tim VanOrden of Running Raw: Compassionate Competition

Ryan interviews Tim VanOrden of the Running Raw Project and the runningraw YouTube channel. Tim discusses his latest project - Compassionate Competition, a healthier more holistic way of looking at competition in which everyone gains by striving together towards a...

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Teen Beats Brain Cancer on Raw Food Diet

We caught up with Megan Sherow at the 2013 Woodstock Fruit Festival. Megan shares her amazing story of being diagnosed with terminal stage 3 brain cancer at the age of 13. Refusing to follow her doctor's recommendation to treat her cancer with radiation and...

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Pick Me Up Yoga Set

Watch Anji demonstrate a short but sweet set of easy kundalini yoga poses that are perfect for a quick pick me up at any time of the day. This series of simple spinal flexes, mostly from a seated position, are suitable for everyone - even folks with no yoga experience...

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Low Fat Raw Vegan Waldorf Salad

Low Fat Raw Vegan Waldorf Salad

Anji shows how to make a raw vegan Waldorf Salad with a sweet citrus cashew dressing. With her produce supplies running low, Anji shows how to make a delicious Waldorf Salad out of simple ingredients like apples, grapes, celery, raisins, lettuce leaves and a small...

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What Do Happy Healthy Vegans Eat in a Week?

Lot's of people want to know what we really eat. Anji shows the bountiful haul of local small farm grown food from her farmer's market as well as the imported fruit from a nearby Asian market and Whole Foods. As you see, we eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables, which...

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No Oil or Salt Citrus-Date Salad Dressing

No Oil or Salt Citrus-Date Salad Dressing

Anji shares an 80/10/10 raw vegan no salt, no oil, 100% fruit salad dressing made of dates, grapefruit, and orange juice. Served with a simple summer salad of butter lettuce, celery, and yellow tomatoes. Simple, sweet, crunchy, and delicious! Plus, Anji explains the...

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