Video Articles

Why Jamie Oliver (The Naked Chef)  Got Fat

Why Jamie Oliver (The Naked Chef) Got Fat

Jamie Oliver, a.k.a. The Naked Chef, has put on a lot of weight since we last saw him several years ago on Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution on ABC. It's a bit ironic since the purpose of the Food Revolution was for him to come to the United States and help us make...

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Are Bananas Radioactive & Unsafe to Eat?

YouTube sensation VSauce (Michael Stevens) has several videos warning us that bananas are one of the most radioactive foods around. Who would ever want to eat a banana again after learning that eating 200 bananas exposes a person to same amount of radiation as getting...

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Coping With the Frigid Polar Vortex in California

WARNING: do not attempt this yourself without adequate cold weather gear protection!The Polar Vortex, with its frigid bone chilling arctic winds, has a grip on our nation. No states are spared from its freezing wrath, coastal Southern California included. Airports are...

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Easy New Year Diet Resolution

It's a new year and it seems almost everyone we see around town is doing a juice fast, master cleanse, or some other short term fad diet in the hopes of un-doing the bad they inflicted upon themselves over the holiday months. None of these methods work however because...

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What We Ate In 2013 (Warning: Food Porn!)

What We Ate In 2013 (Warning: Food Porn!)

Anji sits down to reflect upon all the delicious food that she and Ryan ate over 2013, set to a gorgeous slide show of yummy photographs taken at home, farmers market, Asian markets, fruitlucks and even Woodstock Fruit Festival. You will drool over Anji's creative...

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Planting A Garden In Mid-Winter

It's mid-winter in So Cal and Ryan and Anji are starting up a garden patch in their front yard. Get a tour of their various mulch bins and see Anji plant strawberries and lay down seeds for lettuce and spinach. Hopefully there'll be some follow up videos showing the...

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Winter Farmers Market Finds

Yes, California is blessed weather wise and fresh local fruit can be found year round. Ryan and Anji head to their local Long Beach Farmers Market on the first day of Winter; one day after the Winter Solstice. Even on the shortest days of the year, there are plenty of...

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