Yes, you can get over 3,000 calories for one dollar a day!

Bananas and rice: staples of the raw vegan diet and the cooked starch solution diet of Dr. John McDougall respectively. Both are high carb, low fat, high calorie foods, which makes them so desirable for followers of these healthy high carb vegan diets. A diet rich in either of these foods will give you plenty of energy for your fitness pursuits, while also giving you a lean body weight and fit appearance.

Followers of the 80/10/10 diet know that bananas are virtually unbeatable when it comes to value: the amount of calories you get per dollar. Here, bananas and rice go head to head as we compare how many calories you get for one dollar of each of these foods.

It turns out that you can get enough calories from one of these foods to live off of for just one dollar a day! Watch to find out which of these healthy plant foods wins: bananas or rice.

Delicious high carb recipes. Health gurus & myths exposed. Weight loss. Let us inspire your healthy lifestyle journey with food, fun, and fitness. Look forward to two to four new episodes a week from these fit 40 somethings!

CONNECT: (Ryan & Anji’s band)

Music: “Sleight of Hand” by Anji Bee from her debut solo album ‘Love Me Leave Me’. Listen and buy the digital download or CD at – Use Promo Code YOUTUBE to get a 10% discount!!!